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1. Elongatus black mask 5"-6" (Serrasalmus Elongatus)
2. Blue Diamond Piranha 2.5"-3" (Serrasalmus Rhombues)
3. Motoro Stingray Male 4"-5" (Potomotygon Motoro)
4. Red Belly Piranha 5"-6" (Pygocentrus Nattereri)
5. Red Belly piranha 3"-4" (Pygocentrus Nattereri)
6. Blue Diamond Piranha 3"-4" (Serrasalmus Rhombues)
7. Gold Diamond Piranha 3"-4" (Serrasalmus Rombeus)
8. Platinum Alligator Gar 9"-10"
9. Caribe Piranha 3" (pygocentrus notatus)
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13. Serrulatus Piranha 4"-5" (Serrasalmus serrulatus)(Muda)
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4. Albino Synodontus Multipunctatus 3"-4"
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6. Platinum RedTail Catfish 2"-3" (Phractocephalus hemioliopterus)
7. Granulosus Catfish 2" (Synodontis Granulosus)
8. Blue Diamond Piranha 2.5"-3" (Serrasalmus Rhombues)
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Product Reviews
fwf cichlid sa oscar wild 2 - Wild Oscars 4" (Astronotus ocellatus) Columbian
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  True Wild Colombian
Armando - NJ   (Saturday, October 18, 2014)

I purchase one of these wild Colombian Oscars. I was very but very impressed by the superb conditions ,and the great health of this fish ! Thats it self is a huge big plus. Lets keep in mind this is not your average Oscar you buy in a regular store. Is a truthful wild Astronotus Ocellatus from Colombia ! Lively ,full with a character from the wild, unlike the regular oscars we commonly see . I'm also impressed by the attention of Aquascapeonline. I was nervous by having the fish delivered by UPS. He was full of life, great form on the fins ,no distortion on the fish shape. Just a beautiful speciment arriving to my house in excellent conditions. Big five stars to AquaScapeOnline !!!!! I have to specially thanks Scott for his attention.

  sweet oscar
Rich - kansas   (Saturday, August 10, 2013)

I bougtht 1 widl oscar. he wasnt quite 2 inches like the add for them says so that was kind of a bummer but he sure is awesome and im gonna buy some more.....i would recommend this site for sure

Ron - USA   (Friday, December 9, 2011)

I bought 4 wild oscars, They arived 4 days ago. These fish were in really good shape when they arrived and were swimming around and very active within a few hours. They are adorable and have very nice paterns. I have had oscars for the last 20 years and would recommend this site to anyone.

  Oscars are great pets
Garrett - Canton, Oh   (Tuesday, March 29, 2011)

I agree with everyone on here however I cannot belive how many reviewies dont have applicable size tanks for these fish. A 55gallon is large enough for a full grown oscar because they cant turn which can lead to gill disease. this other person has 6 oscars in a 90 gallon are you serious? you better have atleast a 200 min 300gal aquarium waiting for them once they get bigger. The recommended size by the pros would be a 75gallon minimum for 1 oscar.

  Tiger Oscar?
Joe - Lake Forest   (Friday, September 17, 2010)

I ordered this fish in February and it came the next day with a royal pleco, great service!

  Wild oscar
Jon Boy - VA   (Saturday, January 10, 2009)

I ordered 2 of these and they are awesome fish with beautiful markings. There both very different from each other which makes it really cool. Great customer support and packaging. Thanks AquaScape

Brooke - florida   (Wednesday, November 12, 2008)

I have a tiger oscar and a long finned lemon oscar and they are wonderful fish,if you want to beef then up quick feed then beef heart (bait and tackle stores) im thinking of getting a wild oscer to add to my collection..i just love the color and pattern of this fish.

  Sick Oscars
Evan - Fargo North Dakota   (Thursday, October 9, 2008)

I have two oscars and a gar in my fish tank. My tank is 75 gallons. My oscars are the excitement of the tank. Oscars are sick fish and they are extremely smart too. I definately recomend getting oscars. I have taught mine to push a soccerball into a net before i feed them. i plan on getting more but waiting till i find the right size and color.

  best oscar to get
Patrick - Miami, Florida   (Sunday, May 11, 2008)

here in south florida the canals are filled with these wild oscars from south america. i have seen these oscars always as a pair in my local fishing spot. i got one of these a few months ago. hes about 3 inches now thanks to my oscar grow pellets. beautiful markings. you should definitly buy this oscar.

Eric Schuh - wisconsin   (Monday, September 3, 2007)

Everyone that is going to purchase an oscar should read this. Be ready to have to spend some good money on them. they need a big filter and eat so much.
Mines 7 inches and he eats 6 feeders a day along with cichlid pellets. My oscar is more aggressive than my red bellied piranhas for sure. Make sure you can do all of this

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Red Belly Piranha Babies
15.00 ea 10 For 120.00 Special
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