Common name: Cuban Cichlid, Biajaca
Scientific name: Nandopsis tetracanthus
Synonyms: Cichlasoma tetracanthus
Size: 10 inch / 25 cm
pH: 7-8
Temperature: 75.2 - 86°F (24 - 30°C)

Cuban cichlid need a large aquarium at least 55 gallon / 200 L or bigger. The aquarium should be decorated with large rocks, driftwood and boulders mimicing there natural habitat. There should be some hiding places while still leaving areas open for the fish to swim. It is important to decorate the aquarium so that natural territorial boundaries are formed. The aquarium should be well filtered as the Cuban cichlid produces large amounts of waste.

Sexing Cuban cichlid
Cuban Cichlids not easy to sex, but they can be sexed by the fact that the adult males are usually larger and more colorful than the females. A more reliable way of sexing them is to look at their genitalia. The genitalia of a female fish is more rounded while the male fish has pointier genitalia. This is easiest to observe close to spawning, but a skilled eye can sex adults and sub adults between spawning periods as well.
Breeding Cuban cichlids
Cuban cichlids are relatively easy to breed once a pair has been established. The best way to get a pair is to get 4 to 6 Cubans and let them pair up. Once pairs have formed remove the extra fish from the aquarium. Cuban Cichlids will lay there eggs on a flat surface and the fry can be feed newly hatched brine shrimp. The parents will protect their fry until they start getting ready to spawn again. Cuban cichlid fry grows quickly.