Origin: South America, Amazon
Max Size: 48 inches
Temperature: 70 to 78 Degrees
PH Level: 5.5 to 6.8
Diet: Omnivore
Temperament: Aggressive
Care Level: Moderate
Best viewed in HD. (Click Play, bottom right hand side of video, click on settings, click HD)
Note: The first thing to consider when keeping a Redtail Catfish in an aquarium is the ultimate size of the fish. That cute little catfish is going to grow into a monster 4 foot long catfish that is both an active swimmer and feeder. Secondly, the Redtail Catfish is an aggressive species and it is important to keep it with appropriate tank mates. Redtail Cats should be kept with other large (1 foot or more) fish species that can hold their own sharing a tank with a large aggressive catfish.

Keep in mind that Redtail Catfish see other fish that can fit into their mouth as food and not a tank mate. It is also important to remember that Redtail Catfish are active swimmers and will need a very large aquarium with plenty of swimming room. While a 300 gallon aquarium is an absolute minimum for this species, they will do much better in an aquarium that has a 4 foot width and 8 foot plus length, usually around 450+ gallons.

Redtail Cats will appreciate the presence of some driftwood, some rock formations and a few plants within the aquarium decor in order to provide them with an aquarium setup that is similar to their native environment. Lastly, Redtail Catfish should always be housed in tightly covered aquariums as they are well known for their ability to escape an open top aquarium or an aquarium with a loose or partial cover.

Redtail Catfish are not picky eaters and will essentially consume any meaty food that fits in their mouths. However, not all foods contain the same level of nutrition, thus it is important to feed the Redtail Cat a balanced diet of nutritional foods. Redtail Catfish living in the wild will make up the vast majority of their diet from eating fish and crustaceans. In the home aquarium they can be live fish & crustaceans, worms, meaty based frozen or pellet foods ranging from krill and fish flesh to pellets specifically made for large Catfish and other large freshwater carnivores.