Species name: Abramites hypselonotus
Synonym: Leporinus hypselonotus; Abramites eques
Common name: Marbled Headstander

Family: Anostomidae
Order: Characins
Class: Actinopterygii

Maximum size: 13 cm / 5 inches
Environment: Freshwater
Origin: Amazon basin and Orinoco
Temperament: Aggressive.
Company: Abramites hypselonotus (Marbled Headstander) does best in an south American setup with for example Silver Dollars and Severums.

Water parameters: Temperature 22-25°C / 72-77°F; pH 6.5 - 7.5
Aquarium setup: Abramites hypselonotus (Marbled Headstander) Should be kept in an Amazon setup with roots to hide among. Do not use plants as these are likely to be eaten. If you still would prefer to keep plants try using hardier species like java fern and anubias.
Feeding: Abramites hypselonotus (Marbled Headstander) should be fed a vegetable diet along with some meaty foods like Black Worms, Brine Shrimp and some good quality Flake food.
Breeding: Unknown although Females are bigger and more robust. Males are smaller and slender.