Common Name: Wolf Cichlid
Origin: Central America, Honduras, Costa Rica, Nicaragua
Max Size: 28 inches
Temperature: 74 to 84 Degrees
PH Level: 6.8 to 7.8
Diet: Carnivore
Temperament: Aggressive
Care Level: Expert

Note: The Wolf Cichlid (Parachromis dovii) is both an attractive and menacing Cichlid specimen. Dovii Cichlids are borderline hyper-aggressive in temperament and have the size and attitude to back up their aggression.

The Wolf Cichlid is a carnivorous species that feeds on a wide range of meaty foods. Their diet in the wild consists of smaller fish, earthworms, insects, small invertebrates and crustaceans.
Breeding Wolf Cichlids is not difficult at all once you have a male and female that have paired off.

They are also avid excavators that will spend plenty of time digging in the substrate. Any fish small enough to fit in the Wolf Cichlids mouth will be considered food and any similarly sized Cichlid or conspecific will be considered to be trespassing on their territory. They can coexist with some other large aggressive fish species like Arapaima, Arowana, large catfish, Pacu or other similar fish species.