Best viewed in HD. (Click Play, bottom right hand side of video, click on settings, click HD)
Video Courtesy of Chiho Cheung via You Tube.
The Electric catfish has the ability to produce an electric shock of up to 350 volts using electoplaques. Electric catfish are usually nocturnal and feed primarily on other fish, incapacitating their prey with electric discharges.
Location- Africa, Nigeria

Feeding - Electric Catfish are carnivorous predators that have large appetites. They will eat almost anything, especially when fed at night. Best foods are anything meaty such as beef heart, earth worms, fish meat or shrimp.
Water Chemistry- Malapterurus electricus is a very hardy fish that can adapt to a variety of aquarium conditions. The pH can be kept anywhere from 7.0 to 8.2 and the temperature from 74-85 degrees F. Keep the water hard, around 20 dGH.
Breeding- Breeding attempts in captivity have been unsuccessful.
Best viewed in HD. (Click Play, bottom right hand side of video, click on settings, click HD)
Video by James King Courtesy of You Tube